Sunday, April 3, 2016

Decorative Light Switch

Hello! Today I will show you how I decorated my light switch to make it pretty and tie in all of the colors in my bedroom. This is very inexpensive, and it can add a little fun to light switches, or electrical outlets, etc.. 

All you will need is a light switch cover, which I think is called a Switch Plate, or Wall Plate. You can get them from Home Depot for less than 30 cents, or you'll most likely have one you can use around your light switch now. You will also need acrylic paints and foam brushes, which you can get from your local craft store, such as Joann's and Hobby Lobby, painters tape (I used clear scotch tape and I think it worked fine...), optional glitter and Mod Podge, and a screw driver. To do this project, it will be easiest to unscrew and remove the switch plate, paint it, then put it back on. I also reccommend setting up some paper towels under your painting sight, along with a paper plate for the paint, and a plastic cup filled with water to rinse the brushes in.

To start, I sketched out some different designs I could do. Keep in mind, it will be difficult to go into great detail on such a little space. I decided to just do vertical stripes. I put the tape down across the middle of the switch cover to make sure I didn't get any paint in the wrong spot, and to ensure a straight line when I am finished. Now start to paint. I started just doing vertical strokes but the paint would like rub off, so I would use the foam brush to dab on the paint. Then, I let it dry for a FULL HOUR or else it would chip off again. After that, I went back over it with the lightest possible strokes of all time, just to get rid of the odd textures. Let that dry for another hour (don't skimp) then do one more coat. Then, you must wait till it is completely dry and peel off the tape, and do the same steps for painting the last section. I do recommend specifically PAINTERS tape for the taping off the last section so that the tape doesn't take off the paint from our previously completed sections. 

If you choose to use glitter like me, you will Mod Podge the section, then shake the glitter on, then put another layer of mod Podge to seal it in. I go through greater detail on this process in my Glitter Easter Eggs Post. After that. I removed the painters tape and sprayed an Acrylic Sealer Spray finish it and keep it from getting messed up. Be sure to follow the directions on the bottle.

That's all for today! This is a careful project because you have to try so very hard not to take off the paint with the tape. Good luck!

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