About Me

Hello blog readers! 

My name is Alivia and I am 14 years old.
I am from South Florida, and I LOVE the beach.
The best food that exists is ice. Whether it's cubed, crushed, or shaved, I'll eat it.
It's basically a food and a drink combined!
I am a cheerleader, and track shot put champion.
I am a musician, member of the Thespian Troupe, and singer ;)

I am an October baby, which probably influenced my love of fashion and dressing up.
I have always loved to sew, crochet, hair style, draw, paint, and create.
That was my inspiration for my blog.
I have been a blogger since June 2014.

If you love something you see here, recreate it!

Follow this blog on Facebook The I in Creativity and on Instagram @theiincreativity for more 'behind the blog' extras and around a days notice on when I post!

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