Sunday, March 13, 2016

3-Strand Wrap Around Braid

Today I'm going to teach you how to do a braid I like to call, 3-Strand Wrap Around Braid.  As far as I know, this is an original hairstyle that is so easy, but looks very different from your average braid.

First, divide your hair into three equal sections. Now, start it like a normal braid by crossing one side over the middle strand, except you will cross those pieces in a full rotation from that point, so that the original side strand is in the middle, but it was wrapped around the original middle piece. Then, the side piece on the opposite side will do the same thing, wrapping around the new middle strand once and ending up in the center. Repeat those steps all the way down. It seems hard, but it's truly so easy. And another good thing about this hairstyle is that it doesn't matter if you mess up. You can wrap the strands twice, or only a half wrap, and it will still be cool and original. Now you just pull on the strands to fluff out the braid, throw in an optional headband, and it looks great! 

I wore it to school a few times and got tons of complements! That's all for this week! Check back next week for another post!

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