Sunday, August 9, 2015

Snow Cones

Today, I will show you how to make my all-time favorite food: snow cones. 
They are perfect for cooling you down in the Summer Heat! And before you read this, I will just tell you this is the most detail you will ever see on how to make a snow cone!

When I moved to a new house, the freezer did not have an ice machine and that was so hard for me, until I started this system.

Before you start, you'll need ice trays. I have three for when I use one, I still can make more without waiting for the water to freeze. I got a two pack from Target. They are pretty basic ice trays. After having them for a while, they are all cracked, but they still work fine. Just some of them will leak, so some ice cubes only freeze half way. I still recommend it though, because one ice tray will make around two cups of shaved ice.

I also have one ice tray that I bought from HomeGoods, but they sell the same thing at Bed Bath and Beyond. It comes with a lid, so the water doesn't spill, but that's not a problem for me because my spot for my ice is flat. Also, there is a way to open just the middle, so you don't have to take the whole lid off when you refill the tray. I recommend this one, too.

You will of course need a snow cone machine, too. It works a lot better than hitting the ice with a rolling pin like we did before we bought it! And yes, we really did that, just imagine it! So my snow cone machine is from Target. They also sell the same one at Walmart, but it's 10 dollars more for the exact same thing. And I know what you're all thinking, "she really puts a lot of work into snow cone  buying/making!"

Now we move on to Step 2: Filling the Trays. I always debate with my family about the water we use in my ice trays. They want me to use tap water, but I prefer to use bottled water because even though you're not drinking it, you still put it in your body. Also, you can tell the difference of water types in the snow cone because it will have a gross/weird/different taste while and after you eat it, if you don't like the water that was used. That is the key to a good snow cone.

Now you leave them in the freezer for about 3-4 hours. You can tell when they are ready when there are no air bubbles, and when there are cloud type things in the ice. The longer it's in the freezer, the better it tastes, because it is not watery.

Once it is frozen and you are ready for a snow cone, get out two normal sized cups, and one ice tray. If you are making shaved ice just for yourself, only get one spoon, but of course if you are making them for two people, get two spoons. As I said before, one tray makes around 2 regular sized cups of ice.
Twist the ice tray to loosen the ice cubes by turning one end towards you and one end away from you, and back and forth. Then put them all in the snow cone machine by opening the lid in the top. If you use my ice trays, they won't all fit, so I blend blend blend, open the top, put the remaining ice in, and blend blend blend some more into the cups.

Now would be the time to put your flavoring in if you would like, but I enjoy it plain, which makes it zero calories and gives you the feeling of eating something even though it is just like drinking a bottle of water! Super healthy!

I hope you enjoy!

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