Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Mermaid Nails

Today, I will be showing you a super easy nail polish design that I call Mermaid Nails.

So first, you will need two nail polish colors. I recommend one shiny and one sparkly! 
I used a shiny NYC purple and a sparkly SinfulColors pink. 
To begin, take a piece of scotch tape and tape your nail so that it is covering only half of the nail. Then, begin painting the nail purple! Repeat this on all of your fingers.

Once all of  your nails are dry, carefully remove the tape, leaving half painted nails.
Now, take your sparkly pink and paint the other side. You must only eye it and hope not to mess it up, because if you put tape on the other side, it will remove the purple.
Once you let it dry, you can dip a Q-Tip in nail polish remover and touch up your mistakes.
And there you go! Your very own Mermaid Nails!

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