Sunday, September 11, 2016

Wooden Pumpkin- Fall Decor

I am officially DONE with back to school blog posts!!!! Although, that means I have to actually go to school :( Anyway, today I will be sharing a fall/Halloween craft, but I'll go back and forth for the next few weeks between seasonal and regular crafts. Today's craft is a wooden jackolantern.

What you'll need is a wooden jackolantern cutout (it was in the dollar section of Target), orange acrylic paint, Mod Podge, paint brushes, paper plate/paint palette, green glitter, and painters tape. All of these supplies, minus the wood pumpkin, I already had in my craft cupboard. 

To start, use your painters tape to divide the pumpkin into vertical stripes. Paint every other stripe orange, and leave the other stripes the wooden color. (This is just what I thought was cute, but you can paint the whole thing, or switch off different shades of orange, etc.. Find your inner CREATIVITY!). Once it is painted the way you'd like, use mod podge to cover the stem of the pumpkin, then sprinkle green glitter to cover the entire stem. If you'd like to paint green paint underneath, and use a lighter amount of glitter, feel free. Let the mod podge dry, then dab another coat of mod podge on top to seal it. Be sure to dab so it doesn't take the glitter off with it. 

That's all to it! A really easy craft, but it looks great! You don't have to be a professional crafter like your girl right here to make cool decorations ;) The dollar section at Target and Dollar Tree will be your best friend if you work with what you see!

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