Sunday, August 2, 2015

Detailed Rapunzel Braid

Today I will show you how to do a braid that I modeled after Rapunzel from Disney's Tangled.
And don't you love the tower in the background?! 

Before you begin, you'll need two elastics (of any color because we will be hiding it anyway), and optional flowers for more of a costume look. I recommend getting fake flowers from the Dollar Tree and pulling each flower off of the stem and poking it into the braid. 

To start, section off two sections of hair (one on each side) starting at the part line and going four and one half inches down and picking up the hair. You can clip both sections up, or just put them over the shoulder to get it out of the way.

Then, you will start a loose french fishtail. It's really not very hard, even though many people mistake it to be. All you will do is take a small piece of hair from behind the ear (one piece from each ear) and cross them. I did left over right. Then you take another strand from the right side and cross it over to the left. Combine the two strands on the left and hold. As you pick up hair from each side, you will put it in the opposite section. Continue doing that until you've picked up all of the hair and then secure it with an elastic. After that, poke two of your fingers out through the middle of the braid, right above the elastic (try to make the hole where the two strands cross) and pull the ponytail through the hole, towards your hair model's neck. Divide the ponytail in two and pull both sides to make it tighter after making the huge hole.

Now, go back to the hair we sectioned off at first, and just do 2 normal three strand braids; one braid for each side of the part line. Also, remember to start the braid around 4-4.5 inches from the part line to leave the hair in front looking and feeling relaxed. Once you've braided one, bring it around the head, the same way you brought the first strand of the fishtail and put it under the fishtail braid by sticking your fingers under the braid, through the top of the fishtail and pulling the little braid through. Do that to the other side as well.

Then you will take one of the two braids from under the fishtail, wrap it once around the elastic, and pull it into the underside of the elastic. Do the same thing with the other braid.

Now that the braid is covered, we will just do a normal three strand braid, except you will twist each piece away from the braid as you cross it over. If you are braiding the left piece over to the middle, you will twist that section to the left, and bring it over like that. This way, the braid will appear thicker because the hair is turned out.
Tie that braid off with another elastic. To cover it this time, I took a piece of hair that is from the back of the elastic, and pulled it around once, tucking it in the top loop of the ponytail (in the back of course!)

Now would be the time to add in flowers, but since I didn't have any at the time, I just left it plain, which looks better for when it's not Halloween! ;) Thanks for tuning in to my tutorial, and let me
know what other hairstyles/princess hairstyles you'd like me to put on my blog! And remember to check out my blog's Instagram @theiincreativity for updates on when another post will be up and where my inspiration for this hairstyle came from!

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